Thursday, May 8, 2008


Well, there you have it; a simple but effective diet and exercise program that is guaranteed to get you huge now (well, give or take 12 weeks). Like anything worthwhile in life, it takes dedication and commitment, but it is well worth the time and efforts. You can spend the next 12 weeks making the positive changes to your mindset, your eating habits and your exercise routine and develop huge, hard, strong muscles while your dramatically improve your confidence and self-esteem OR you can keep doing what you are doing now and end up in worse shape 12 weeks from now (if you aren’t improving you are deteriorating).

Doesn’t require a whole lot of thought to make the right decision now, does it? In life you are either getting better or wasting away, there is no standing still. Each day that passes by is one you will never get back again. So make the decision and get started on the path of moving forward.

Imagine yourself 12 weeks from now with bulging biceps, killer triceps, strapping chest and those six pack abs that make the women drool (come on, you’ve seen those Diet Pepsi commercials!) That really can be you…it is you, if you will make the commitment to yourself and take the first step. Working out smarter and not harder, makes it easy. Just give up a half an hour of TV four days a week. Let’s face it, those old Seinfeld reruns never did a thing to improve your self-esteem, get you more dates or improve your health.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step” so mark your workouts on your calendar and pick up some fat-free cottage cheese from the grocery store today. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. A healthy, strong, sexy body is worth more than any earthly possession you could ever had and should be treated better than you would treat your car whether it is a classic or the latest sports car.

You wouldn’t put cheap oil in it and leave it sitting in the garage, so don’t treat your body that way either. Feed yourself well and give yourself the proper exercise and sleep you need to be the strongest, healthiest and sexiest man you can possibly be. Not only is the sexy body attractive to women, the person you become on the inside is even more attractive as you learn to value yourself and treat yourself well, you will surely learn to value others and treat them well, too.